If you're thinking of travelling, it's a good idea to get yourself a map.
This month, you'll be taking a look at books with maps in them -- not necessarily atlases, but books that include maps so that the text will be easier to understand. Whether it's a book about a real place or an imaginary land, having a map to look at can make the text much more enjoyable.
Below is a list of a few books that have maps, or in which a map is an important part of the story. Some are fiction (historical or fantasy) and some are non-fiction. These are all at the Barrington Public Library and of course, the BMS Library and the classroom library have many as well. Choose whatever seems the most interesting to you. Spend some time poring over the maps to see what you can learn. Please share the book you read and what you learned with us here. You have the entire month of October to do this. Check back often to see what you're friends have read.
Oh, the things you'll learn when you read a map!
by Nicholson, William.
The wind on fire bk. 1; Wind on fire trilogy
After Kestrel Hath rebels against the stifling rules of Amaranth society and is forced to flee, she, along with her twin brother and a tagalong classmate, follow an ancient map in quest of the legendary silver voice of the wind singer, in an attempt to heal Amaranth and its people.
Historical Fiction:
Soft Rain, a nine-year-old Cherokee girl, is forced to relocate, along with her family, from North Carolina to the West.
Describes the expedition led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to explore the unknown western regions of America at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Includes facsimiles of journal entries, maps, and letters inserted in folders and under flaps.
Guide books:
by Applachian Mountain Club - 2006
Eyewitness travel.
An adaptation of the bestselling book about the American Greg Mortenson's building of over 60 schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan.