Aesop is a legendary
man from Ancient Greece. It is really not known whether he actually lived or
not. The popular story says that he was a slave who was ridiculed for being
ugly. He got revenge on those who laughed at him by creating stories in which
he taught them a lesson. The characters in these stories were portrayed by
animals who have human characteristics. Each of them ends with a moral lesson.
Whether he actually lived or not, Aesop is considered the greatest fabulist
(one who writes fables) of all time. The large collection of stories called
"Aesop's Fables" has been rewritten by many authors and have been
reprinted countless times.
We will be reading several folktales together in class, but will not have time for all of the fables. Your assignment for this month is to read at least three of Aesop's fables and write about one of them. You need to write a summary of the fable, tell the moral, and then give an example of how this moral can be applied in real life. It may be a true example from your life, or just one that you can imagine. You have until the end of November to do this.
Moral: Don't put off until tomorrow that which you can do today!