Sunday, February 3, 2013

Responsible Owners & Happy Pets Have Something to Celebrate!

Did you know that February is Responsible Pet Owners Month? That's something I just learned when I googled February holidays! Since many of us are, or would like to be, pet owners, I thought this would be a good topic for this month. 
Being a responsible pet owner means understanding the type of animal you are caring for, knowing how to take care of its physical and emotional needs, and following through on the promises you made when you begged your parents to get it for you! It also means being aware of  how your pet affects your environment and the other people who live in it. Pets cannot be responsible for themselves. There is a lot to learn!
So this assignment is going to be easy. Do an internet search for "Responsible Pet Owners Month". You will find many websites with articles about all aspects of responsible pet ownership. Read and report on one of those articles. Share something helpful that you learned. Be sure to include the name of the website (and a link if you want). When you sign your name, include the name (and species) of your pets!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Wow, axolotls need a lot of space! Can they live in the same tank with fish?
      You seem to know a lot about them, but what did you read for this month's assignment?

  2. Second comment? Hotdog! But anyways, I have three cats and one dog. Ok, you can say I am quite an animal person! I think all animals deserve a home, no matter how big or how small, deaf, blind or injured, animals are people. And as you know this is Responsible Pet owners month, and I am going to share my wacky furball filled experience. When you are at a shelter, its is very important to know if you are ready to own a pet. Make sure your family members are'nt allergic to your animal/animals, this can end up not so well! Congratulations! You have just adopted you animal! This can be a fun experience! But you should know, animals are a lot of work! Make sure you own food, grooming supplies, and a few litter boxes! Things are gonna get a little messy! Now, you are ready to own your special pet! You are a absolute amazing pet owner!

    -Cassidy G

    1. Cassie,
      You could be a writer for a pet website! But I'm wondering if you have done the assignment yet...?

    2. Thanks for reminding me! I kinda got carried away! Since I am a cat person, I learned from a website that a fertile cat can produce up to 3 liters of kittens. With 4-6 kittens in each liter. Lets do some math. 4 kittens times 3 liters= 12 kittens. Ok, and 6 kittens times 3 liters=18 little kitties running around with there head cut off. Oh my! And I dont want to scare you, But 1 cat + Offspring= about 420,000 kittens over a seven year period. At this time, a cat sitter maybe a MUST.
      -Cassidy G  (Mmmmmm... Apples) <-----Abi J idea!

    3. your right Cassie things are going to get messy! haha lol

    4. Yes, good math!! Waaaaaaayyyy too many cats! That's why it's so important to spay and neuter your pets, and why you should get an animal from a shelter instead of a pet store!

  3. 3rd!! Anyway here is the link to my website.
    I have 2 dogs and 3 cats. My cats are Bogey (black + white) and Taco, yes his name is taco. he is black. My dogs are Memphis (black lab and pointer mix.)
    and Barkley (Boxer and Pit Bull)

    ~Jenna Gammon~

    1. What did you learn from that website, Jenna?

    2. I learned that you should always neuter and spay your animals. No matter how much you love them how they are. they can get diseases easier!! that could help you get to the vet.

  4. well I've got 10 pets; 1 dog, 2 cats, 3 goldfish, 1 beta fish, 1 sucker fish, and 2 hermit crabs. I did not copy the website jenna went to I googled the holiday and found that holiday website which is

    <(0.0)< <(0.0)> >(0.0)> <(0.0)> <(0.0)< <(0.0)> >(0.0)>

    1. You haven't done the assignment yet, either, Zach!

    2. well I learned that you should always love and nuture your pet.(even if they destoy the house, rip up your socks, destroying priceless memory, and scaring the cats into the future...)

  5. This month I read a few articles. Lots of them talked about how important it is to spay your pet. One I read was named February is Responsible Pet Owners Month. It also talked about spaying your pets. I decided to look this word up to find out why it's so important to spay your pets. I read an article titled What Does it Mean to Spay or Neuter Your Pet? By Katie Busenkell. It said that spaying your pet means giving it surgery so that it cannot reproduce. I found out that it is important to do that so that the pet owner won't end up with so many animals, that the pets get over crowded. Also if animals aren't spayed some end up being abandoned on the street and no pet should be treated that way.

    ~Rachel(: I have a beta fish whose name is Romeo

    1. Excellent work, Rachel! I'm glad that you found out about spaying. It's really important for people to do this so that they don't end up taking unwanted animals to shelters. There are so many dogs and cats waiting for families already!

  6. This month, I went on this cool website... here's a link,

    Anyway, I learned that pets have the same feelings as humans do. I found this sad, but interesting song. It explains an animals feelings when you abandon them. Here it is:

    What hurts the most, is being so close.....
    What hurts the most, is being left behind......
    I have so much to say.....
    It hurts to watch you walk away......
    How could you do this to me......
    Never knowing, what could have been......
    I'm all alone now......
    Loving you was all I was trying to do.

    Sad, huh? Well I also learned that you may think that if you leave your pet it will forget you? It definitely won't, because it knew that you cared or care for it. My dog is named Midnight because her fur is a midnight color. She is a Miniature Terrior Mix.


    1. That's very sad, Paige. I think that putting the information to music makes an even stronger point. It helps people remember the message better. Hmmmmmm....could be why we're writing songs this week?

  7. The website I went on is called seems like a lot of people used this website. I also thought that the song was very sad and I think people who abuse their animals should read this and maye it will get to their head. I learned that animals have feelings and emotions to and like the golden rule we should treat them how we would want to be treated.

    I have a chocolate lab named Crosby, (yes after the hockey player) we are really busy and leave the house a lot throuout the day. I think he is lonely but my family members don't and I think we should get another dog.

    ~Drew Chocolate lab named Crosby (in case you missed it in the comment)

    1. Maybe you should make your family members listen to that song! Do you think that would help convince them?
      Dogs do like company! Good luck -

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Oh ya... maybe I should. I don't know if that would convince them.

  8. I used the site for this months blog. I read a very sad song/poem about the feeling's that the animals' have when they are abused or negleted. I feel that the poem was about how people abuse their animals and how it affects them. I felt heartbroken and teary eyed while reading it. Even though it was short it tells a lot! Here is it:

    What hurts the most, is being so close....
    What hurts the most, is being left behind....
    I have so much to say....
    It hurts to watch you walk away....
    How could you do this to me....
    Never knowing, what could of been....
    I'm all alone now....
    Loving you is all I was trying to do.

    That is now my favorite poem because it descibes life!

    -Reese Johnson:))
    P.S. I have a 4 year old horse named Little Red Riding Hood and a lot of fish!! One has really big eyes so i call him Big Eyed Bob! Then I have a fat fish named Tie Dye because he is speckled with different colors!

    - Reese Johnson :))

    1. Yes, it sounds like it could apply to people as well as animals!

    2. Yes it does! I don't think people realize how much they can hurt someone with their hands but also their words!
      - Reese Johnson :))

  9. I love my pets so this was very easy for me. I used a site that i did not like and all until the very end this is the site I used what really bothered my was this
    Most first aid kits can be purchased fully stocked, but no kit is complete without The Company of Animals’ Baskerville Ultra Muzzle. This ultra-comfortable muzzle is perfect for when introducing pets to new situations or when trying to restrain and treat a wounded or hurt pet. The Baskerville Ultra Muzzle is the first of its kind that allows panting, drinking and treating. Plus, it provides two secure attachment points with an optional over-head safety strap for added comfort and security.
    But other than that it was fine. I wouldn't want to read it again.

    ♡♡♡♡♡ Avery♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
    P.S I have to dog one 5 and that is Lucy and one just turned two Clyde and one Betta Fish Name Jumper.

    1. Did you dislike that because you don't want to muzzle a dog? Some dogs really need them for their training. I think that this brand of muzzle sounds very well designed and comfortable.
      I'm glad you found a site that was different from the others!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. For this month I found the website for responsible pet ownership month. It had a list of things a responsible pet owner should do. There was a list of about 12 things, so I won't list them all. A couple of them were: teach your dog basic obedience, pick a pet good for your lifestyle, groom and bring your pet to the vet often, and love your pet. I strongly believe that I'm a good pet owner, because I take her out at 6 in the morning every morning, even when it is freezing out, and she takes FOR EVER to go to the bathroom. Therefore I am a very good pet owner and the list only helped a little bit.

    I have a dog named Shelby, and a cat named Yestail ( the name is because we had two other cats that looked exactly like it and they didn't have tails).

    1. I love the cat's name! What happened to the other cats' tails?

  12. For this month, I read on February being Responsible Pet Owners Month. It talks about seven easy steps to be the most responsible pet owner possible. Step 1.) Get what ever pet you have (if possible) neutered if you don't wan't ten puppies. Neutering your pet will also make them a little less hyper. Step 2.) Go to a vet annually. This insures that your pet will always be healthy. Say you take your pet to the vet and everything is fine but one thing you couldn't tell yourself. That's why there are vets. Step 3.) Give your pet some sort of ID tag. If your pet ever gets lost, someone else could find them and bring them home. Step 4.) Be prepared. This is not just a scout motto. Say your dog just started limping, personally, I would call the vet. Step 5.) Travel as safe as possible. You may not have a pet seat belt, but make sure your pet isn't getting into anything. Say your pet was trying to eat a snack you packed for the road, if you looked back to stop it, you could hit a tree. Your pets safety is your own safety. Step 6.) If you have a new puppy, puppy-proof your house. If your puppy tries to steal food off the counter, take two empty soda cans, tie some string to the tabs, put pennies in the cans, tie some string to a piece of pizza crust and the string between the cans, the puppy will be scared for sure. After one try, just put the connect cans in front of the food. Step 7.) Feed your pet with nothing but the correct food and water. Do all that and you can be a very responsible pet owner.

    Cam Schiavo

    1. That's a great list! You didn't say if you have any pets. Are you a dog owner, or would you like to be?

    2. I have one dog named Finnick. And a cat Ornament.

    3. Why did you name your cat Ornament? (Does it have anything to do with climbing up the Christmas tree?)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I read an article and cats and dogs were being euthanized and I feel bad for them because they didn't do anything wrong, yet they were being left to be in a cage for a long time. If I were a dog or cat and I heard that I was to be left in a cage for, say, a year, I would be out of there faster than someone could blink. There was a poem, which was also really sad, and I'm going to include it here.

    What hurts the most, is being so close....
    What hurts the most, is being left behind....
    I have so much to say....
    It hurts to watch you walk away....
    How could you do this to me....
    Never knowing, what could of been....
    I'm all alone now....
    Loving you is all I was trying to do.

    Don't be mean to animals.

    Matt and Tyrone, Timmy, and Finn the fish and Ricki the cat.

    1. Yes, this is very sad. I don't understand how people can abandon their pets!
      Which Matt is this?

    2. This is by Matt C!

  15. This month I read a website about Responsible pet owners month and how if you have an animal in a cage in your car you need to have a special seatbelt to connect to the cage. This seatbelt wraps around the cage and keeps the pet in the seat and not on the floor of your car. I would by this item, but my two dogs can fit in my mom's car and they don't have any room to move. You would need a smaller dog unlike mine. I also read another article. This article is about how dogs are just like humans. Dogs need to get a check-up every year even if they don't have anything wrong with them. Here is the website if you want to look at it-

    -Gabe D.

    1. Do you have big dogs? It sounds like that seat belt is only for small ones (or cats) that ride in carriers.
      I'll bet you take your dogs to the vet every year for a check-up, right? Thanks for sharing that site.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I used the website
    I read a poem about how the pets who get left behind and people don't care for anymore and how they want someone to love them and take care of them and the poem went like this,
    What hurts the most, is being so close....
    What hurts the most, is being left behind....
    I have so much to say....
    It hurts to watch you walk away....
    How could you do this to me....
    Never knowing, what could of been....
    I'm all alone now....
    Loving you is all I was trying to do.
    Michaela D
    P.S I have two dogs ones a chocolate lab and his name is Bailey. I also have a yellow lab named Harley.

    1. That's a very sad poem. I can't imagine abandoning an animal, can you? Thanks for posting it.

  18. I read a really sad article about dogs being left in cages and getting abused and eventually dying because of it. Their motto was on a dog point of view and I guess I will include in my blog

    Before walking away... please stop to think about how I feel.

    Isn't that sad ... Anyway I also read about how you can help be a responsible owner. The good thing is that now I really know I'm treating my dog Jay Jay right! I've been doing everything it says to do. He has a lot of energy so we walk him 3 times a day. We also like to play fetch with Jay Jay every now and then through the day. So sometimes he can be a handful. The article said to walk, love, feed, water, and care for you pet dog and that is what I do.


    Ps. I have a cat too

    1. Good for you, and for JayJay! I'm sure he really appreciates the attention he gets from you. You sound like a great pet owner!

  19. Before I read these articles I head never even heard of Responsible Pet Owners Month. But now that I read the articles I think it is a good idea. We should give are pets more attention and we should make sure other people are good pet owners. Now I know that I should give my cats Rudy and Piper more attention.

    Travis Carbone
    2 cats Rudy and Piper

    1. Do your cats like to play, Travis? Even though mine are older, they still love to play with string and their catnip mice! I probably don't play with them as much as I should, so thanks for the reminder!

  20. I read and i read that there is a bio-degradable cat litter scoop made of wheat which is a renewable source. I thought this was a little ridiculous at first but then I thought this is a pretty good idea because wheat is probably easier to use instead of plastic scoop. I think this will cut down on our use of plastic.

    One dog: Tucker

    ~Alex B

    1. That does seem like a good idea! You have to throw the plastic scoop away eventually, and this would keep some plastic out of the landfill. I would get one, but then I'd have to throw away my plastic one -- and that would defeat the purpose of these!

  21. I went to It had six steps to being a more responsible pet owner. Step one is to schedule an annual checkup with your vetrinarian. Step two is to get an ID or micro chip for your dog. Then you will be able to track your pet ih he/she gets lost.Step three is to be prepared. Step four is toravel safely. Step five is to pet-proof your home. Your pet might go exploring to some places you don't want them to go.Step six is to feed them right so they stay healthy. I learned what I can do keep my pet healthy and how to be a responsible pet owner. If I ever get a pet I will know what to do.

    ^*^*^*Kyle C.^*^*^*

    Kyle C.

    1. That's a good list, IF you are a dog owner. Remember that each animal has different needs and you need to research the kind of animal that you are planning to get. (I'm guessing that you would like to have a dog!)

  22. For this months blog I wanted to know why we have responsible pet owner’s month. I found the answer on and it says they have this month of recognition because not all owners take care for their pet. And there are also a high number of animals in shelters. I also found some cool things about what animals might have to say. Like if you trust your animal, they will trust you. Also, Take care of me when I get old. You will be the same way when you get older. And they may not understand your words but they understand your voice and tone. I learned animals are just like us and they want to be treated like a valued living thing. -Madison B.
    I have 9 cats and their names are JJ, Noodles, Bella, Madi, Lucy, Junior, Jacob, Bella, and Bucky. They are all domestic cats. I also have 3 dogs and their names are Roxy a brindled golden retriever, Fenway, a bloodhound (I think) and Keeonah a husky.
    (my blog first comment got deleted some how)

    1. Thank you for redoing your work -- I know that it's frustrating!
      You picked a great question to research! I think you discovered that having a special month for pet ownership is important.
      Wow - you have a lot of animals at your house! Lucky animals!!

  23. I read a quick article about the holiday on This month (Yes, the entire month) celebrates those of us who are responsible pet owners. It said that during this month we are encouraged to pass on the importance of taking care of a pet. Pets are living things too, so we should treat them just as we would treat a human. I have 9 cats (3 at one household and 6 at another) 2 hamsters, and they are both my responsibility, nobody else takes care of them unless I am away. I also have 3 dogs. Roxy, Fenway (blue tick coon hound, not a bloodhound like madi said), And Keeonah. Keeonah is a 3 month old husky, so we need to take good care of her, and Fenway is being treated for heartworms, so we need to take EXTRA care of her, and be responsible pet owners. ~~Haley~~

    1. I like the way you said "those of us who are responsible pet owners". That tells me that you already are responsible for taking care of your pets. Good for you! A lot of kids say they will be, but then they lose interest. Your pets are lucky!

  24. I have 1 cat named Winston and 1 dog named Benson. I read the article called There was 12 steps in this article but I'll put down 3 of them that I think are the most important. 1.) Pick a pet that fits your lifestyle. For an example, if you like this very adorable cat beware that it might be high maintenance and you might be low maintenance. 2.) Love your pet! Give your pet attention by petting or cuddling with him/her. 3.) Care for him/her. Feed your pet every day and take him to the vet to see if he/she is doing good with there health or needs any shots. Also take your dog for a walk. (Cats don't need to go for walks outside.)

    -Gabbe Albert-
    (\ (\
    ( -.-)
    o(") (") Its a bunny!

    1. I think you picked 3 very important tips for pet owners. I'm sure that you are very responsible about helping to care for your pets, right?
      I love the name Winston for a cat!

    2. I wrote down all of the charcters you used to make that so I can make the bunny, too! Please tell Abi where you learned that! P.S. Good job with your facts!!!!

  25. I read a couple articles about responsible pet ownership month and I found out that thousands of cats (and or dogs) are put in animal shelters and even aren't found until a old house or even the woods are investigated. This holiday was started by the ASPCA and other pet owner associations. Its done every month of February.I learned not only these things but have a message to all animal abusers or neglecters,and responsible pet owners.

    Don't ever harm a animal because of any reason,
    they all are like us, but smaller and loving,
    they have a voice,
    and to some it's not heard,
    but no matter how big and small'
    I hear their voice, and so should all.

    And I think this is how this month should mean to everyone.

    Ryan Dozier :D :D :D :D

    P.s. I have two cats Zoey, and Misty. ( who has one eye. )

    1. How come ur kitty only gots one eye?????:/
      Audrey K

    2. because she got in a cat fight with another cat who scratched her eye,was left untreated,and got infected........ woo,did I cover it all wait ermagerd wait then when she was at the animal shelter they removed her eye : {


      Ryan D

    3. Wow - she is lucky to have you as her owner!
      You collected some great information about Pet Owners Month. I hope that every pet owner does their research and learns how to properly care for their pets!

  26. what i learned is that you have to be reasbonsible for a pet because there alive, there not a stuffed toy to and dress up. they should be petted,scratched,be given scraches on the airpits and loved

    p.s i have one fish named Mr. bubbles, and a cute dog that is a bichon frise named Samantha licks-o-lot berry (the middle name is 100% true, she is a licking machine!)

    1. What website did you visit, Liv?
      Do you scratch Mr. Bubbles in his armpits? (I'm sure you don't; I just had to ask!)

  27. For this month's blog post, I read an article called "12 Tips for Being a Responsible Pet Owner" from the link:

    Some of the main things I learned was that your pet needs to have regular visits to the vet and need to be spayed and neutered. Spaying and neutering your pet can sometimes help them live longer and healthier lives. You also want to give your pet the exercise it needs. They need to stay fit and release their energy!
    I also read that another important thing is to love your pet. Your'e one of your pet's favorite things in the world and you should show him/her that you love them back!

    P.S. I have a dog named Zora (girl), a bunny named Flamel (girl) and three parakeets. Aqua (girl), Gardenia (girl), and Skye (boy).

    1. I think it's crucial to remember how important we are to our pets and make sure we're not ignoring them. Sometimes we don't feel like spending time with them, but they need us (and they really do love us, no matter how crabby we are sometimes)!
      Do your parakeets talk or sing to each other?

  28. i learned that you should check back rounds of every person your pet comes into contact with such as trainers, groomers, and any pet sitters. You should there back rounds for pet abuse and other crimes against abuse to animals.

    i have never had a pet and im fine with out one


    1. nils what happened to you're squirrel?

    2. Checking your trainer or groomer's background is a good idea. That's something I've never thought about. Thanks for sharing that useful tip with us.
      Where did you read that article?

  29. I learned that you should spray or neuter your pet because it can lead to cancer. Also I read an article about sad suffering pets put in cages. Some have been in them for months even years. In some other articles I found a poem that made my eyes water. So sad that there are animals out there right now suffering from abuse, cancer, and other terrible ways to die.


    I also had a pet named Ernie. He sadly died from old age.

    1. Thank you for this helpful information Anadee. Where is the webiste? Other people might want to read that.
      What kind of animal was Ernie? It's always sad when a pet dies, especially if you have had him for a long time.

  30. this is gonna be easy beacuse i love my pet guinea pig remmy hes so cute but any way to get back on track i read this article aT and i learne that
    Responsible Pet Owner
    Being a responsible pet owner is much more than just providing adequate water, food and shelter for your pet. Domestic pets are completely dependent on their owners for their welfare.

    • Owning a pet is a lifetime commitment. If you can't make the commitment, don't get the pet.

    • Choose a pet that fits your lifestyle. Don't get a high energetic dog, if you don't have the time to exercise him. If you can't afford grooming or can't do the grooming yourself, pick a low maintenance dog.

    • Spay or neuter your pets. There are too many homeless animals without adding to the problem.

    • Don't make your dog a "backyard dog". Dogs strive on companionship and need to be with their human pack.

    • Be aware of weather conditions. Leaving your dog in the car on a hot day or in the yard without shade or water is risking your dog's life.

    • Make sure your home is "pet" safe. Pesticides, medications, household cleaners and some houseplants (dieffenbachia, philodendron, hyacinth, and mistletoe) can be deadly to your pet. Keep them out of reach.

    • Provide veterinary care for your pet. Keep their vaccinations up to date and make sure they have annual checkups.

    ~Catherine Emery

    1. This is a great list, Callie. Those are all really important things to remember. These are tips for owning a dog. Do any of them apply to guinea pigs?

  31. Hey! I have one dog named Yoshi Bear (Yogi Bear) he is a long haired German Shepard and I love him very much but have yet to neuter him which our family has wanted to do, though I didn't know how importent it was until I learned from and we will probabley soon get him neutered so he lives a health, long life.

    -Jackie wrote this

    π is awesome π

    1. I'm glad that you found an article which has some importance to you, and Yoshi! I hope that it helps you convince your family how important neutering is!

  32. Hey! I have one dog named Yoshi Bear (Yogi Bear) he is a long haired German Shepard and I love him very much but have yet to neuter him which our family has wanted to do, though I didn't know how importent it was until I learned from and we will probabley soon get him neutered so he lives a health, long life.

    -Jackie wrote this

    π is awesome π

  33. I read an article about how more and more people abuse their pets each which to me is extremely sad because how could you hurt something that trusts you that much.

    -----------------------Axel--------------------------Shelby The Dog-----------------------

    1. It is hard to imagine how anyone could abuse an animal! Where did you read the article? You didn't mention the website.

  34. I read an article about choosing the right pet, and about caring for it. I'll give you an example of both of them. Ok so one of the tips for adopting the right pet is... (sorry its really long!) so i'm just going to recap what it says: Do research on the pet you want to adopt to make sure it fits with your life style. And one tip about caring for the pet is (recap in my own words): Make sure they get the exercise they need! Oh i almost forgot!!! the website i used is...

    by: Sarah! O.o

    1. That wasn't too long, Sarah; it was perfect! I was hoping that you would recap it in your own words and not just cut and paste from the website. Great work!
      Do you have any pets?

  35. I read an article about about spaying and nuetering your pet.
    It says that studies have shown that pets that are spayed or nuetered live healthier and longer lives. Plus, spayed and nuetered pets are less likely to develop behavior problems.
    I think that it is ok to maybe breed them once and only once!! Some female dogs breed for their whole life and when they do, do that they are very unhealy and probably live for 6-7 years at the most :(.
    -karleigh J

    1. Good thinking, Karleigh! Breeding your dog repeatedly is not taking care of them the best way you can. They are much healthier when we have them spayed or neutered.
      Do you have a dog?

  36. I read an article from and I learned that the most important thing about being a pet owner is that you have to be responsible for it. I believe that the better care you take of your animals, the longer they will live.
    I don't have any house pets anymore but, a gray squirrel visits every day in the summer and a few times a week in the rest of the year. His name is Dikembe. I like to give him crackers and honey or in the fall i will give him acorns.
    Spencer M

    1. What hurts the most, is being so close....
      What hurts the most, is being left behind....
      I have so much to say....
      It hurts to watch you walk away....
      How could you do this to me....
      Never knowing, what could of been....
      I'm all alone now....
      Loving you is all I was trying to do.

      this is also really sad

    2. Caring for a "wild pet" is a great solution to not having a pet in the house! It must make you feel good to know that you are helping an animal survive. Have you ever read the book "Rascal"? It's about a boy who has a pet raccoon. They have some pretty funny adventures!

  37. I read an article from and it was about the big things you need to know when you are owning a dog. Things you must know when choosing a pet is that your making a commitment, so choose wisely. You have to pick a dog that fits your lifestyle. When you get your dog you should I.D., train and train your dog. And your house should be pet proof. You should always exercise, show
    affection and bring your pet to the vet. I have two pets myself. The boys name is Ziggy and the girls name is Luna, they are Siberian Huskies.

    1. Wow - are your huskies full grown? They are beautiful dogs. They must need a lot of care and attention. I hope that you help with that!

  38. I read that hyacinth are lethal to dogs on, i never knew that!!!! :0

    -Audrey K I have 7 chickens, 4 ducks, 1 very grumpy goose named Ebenezer, 1 cat named Rexy and 1 dog named Shelby (like Axel and Willem LOL) :P

    1. Looks like Shelby is a popular dog's name! You have chickens! I would love to have chickens. I wonder where you got the name Ebenezer...?
      Keep Shelby away from the hyacinths in the garden! (I didn't know about that either, but I don't have a dog.)

    2. Ebenezer scrooge... haha lol

      Alaina O.

  39. I read an article named "Are you a responsible pet owner?" It was about all kinds of things about taking care of your pets. One piece caught my eye it was called exercise, that caught my eye because I like doing exercise. This article was stating that if you give dogs fresh air and exercise thay wont have as much energy and you wont have unwanted behavior.

    -Bryce Dube 

    1. That's a good tip for dog owners to remember! I think that dogs misbehave sometimes because they are bored.
      Do you have a dog to share your exercise time with?

    2. yah i have two cats at my moms and a dog at my dads
      one of the cats at my moms is half leapard and my dog at my dads is a english bulldog and every once in awhile we have to put cream in his wrinkles

      -Bryce 

  40. I learned that 3-4 million dogs&cats are euthanized each year!!!! Oh my god poor little guys!! THAT MEANS THEY'RE KILLED!!!OHMERGOSH!

    -Abi, Aristotle, and ---- ( we haven't thought of a name for our other *axolotl*...suggestions...?)

    1. I think you should call him Aristotle. It rhymes!
      That's a LOT of dogs and cats to euthanize, isn't it? Not only is it sad, but it costs a lot of money that could be spent on caring for other cats and dogs. It's too bad that so many people let their pets have unwanted babies.
      Where did you get your information?

    2. Well, last year I did a project on euthanization, but I read that paticular number on P.S. My axoltls are getting so big! we are to keep two of them. Aristotle and....Hmm... me and my mother will have to think over what to name our other... :)

  41. The article I read was how to be a responsible pet owner. A helpful tip that I learned was to reasearch the type of pet you are getting to know what you might need. For example you might need required toys, treats and health. I got this information at
    - Lydia V.

    1. That is very good information, Lydia. Sometimes people forget that owning a pet involves more than just getting an animal!

  42. I learned that dogs can get you through many health problems so if I ever get any health problems I would want a trained dog to help me through it


    1. Yes, dogs can be helpful to owners with all kinds of health issues! I know 2 blind women who have seeing-eye dogs, and someone with a seizure dog that can tell if she is going to have a seizure so she can call the doctor before it happens! Isn't that cool?
      Where did you read that information? Please tell us the website so we can read it too.

  43. so when i looked at the sites, i found that u can train a cat to use the toilet,if u get a hamster to like u enough it will dodo in the same corner (is can be very helpful) and that there is like a billion breads of dogs!

    Evan D

  44. Well, isn't that interesting! I don't know if I'd want my cat to use my toilet though. I think it's good that we each have our own! You didn't mention where you found that information. What was the website?
    Do you have any pets?

  45. I used and something that I learned is that you really need to make your pet feel like a part of the family and that they need lots and lots of love so that they feel at home. I have a dog named Brando and he is an American Bulldog. I also have a dove and I definitely agree that pets need lots of love to be happy and healthy.
    -Aryanna D

    1. Yes, attention is the best thing we can give to our pets! You have a dove?! I have never heard of that as a pet before! What kind of dove is it?

  46. I read an article on the website about dogs nutrition. I learned that the best dog food should have high protein and high fiber and if a dog is on this type of diet then he will feel full even though he is not getting as many calories. If a dog is gaining too much weight then you can give them canned pumpkin or squash.
    Pumpkin and squash are high in fiber and is good for the dog. It will fill them up so they are not as hungry.

    Alaina O.
    My dogs name is Abbie and she is a beagle. I also have a cat named Jasmine.

    1. Well, that's very helpful information! I never heard about giving a dog pumpkin or squash. I bet they really like it, too!
      Beagles are pretty energetic! Do you play with Abbie a lot?

  47. I read an article on how to take care of you pet and how to keep them healthy. it said that brushing a dogs teeth can help keep germs away from the mouth and useing anti flee and tick to keep away other sickneses

    Griffin B:)

    1. Have you ever tried to brush a dog's teeth? I haven't, but I would guess that it's not easy! It sounds like a good idea though...
      Do you have a dog, or any other pets?

  48. I found a poem about animals feelings the website is This is the poem.
    What hurts the most, is being so close....
    What hurts the most, is being left behind....
    I have so much to say....
    It hurts to watch you walk away....
    How could you do this to me....
    Never knowing, what could of been....
    I'm all alone now....
    Loving you is all I was trying to do
    People shouldn't want to abuse animals, they should want to love them as pets.

    ****************Samantha D.****************
    P.S. I have a dog named Cosmo and two cats named Hugs and Kisses.

    1. That's a very sad poem. It really makes you think about spending time with your pets and showing them how much you love them!
      Are your cats siblings?

    2. Yes, my cats are brother and sister. I named them around Valentines Day when I two so I've had them for along time.

      xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Samantha D.xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

  49. What I learned about being a good pet owner is that among companion animals dogs are the most loyal to their owners. Anyone who has ever owned a dog know this is a true statement. When I come home from school or get out of bed in the morning my dog is always happy to see me. Happy enough to find me a shoe, whine and wag her tail.
    We need to remember that owning a dog is not a privilege, it's a responsibility. Our dogs depend on us for food, water, shelter and so much more - our time spent playing and giving them lots of attention. The website I chose: gives a list of items to review to be a great dog owner.
    Some of the more important are to
    1 - think first. Make sure you know the time involved - if you work 12 hours a day a dog is not for you. Don't think about a big dog if you have a small apartment.
    2 - Get Ready. Get the items the dog with need such as food, toys, collar & lease, and bed. Dog proof your home. If you don't want it chewed, put it away. Make sure you have a vet to go visit right away.
    3 - Bring your dog home. Make sure your dog has time to adjust to his home. Introduce other pets and people slowly - not all at once.
    4 - Keep your dog Healthy. Make sure you exercise your dog, have regular vet visits and proper food.
    5 - Keep your dog safe. Make sure they have plenty of water and shade on a hot summer day. Don't ever leave them in a hot car. If you live on a busy street don't let your dog roam.
    6 - Be a Friend. Play with your dog. They love walks, fetch and lots of petting and attention.
    Tyler Millette, <{0|0}> Jada my German Shepherd and Jasmine my cat

    1. What a great post!
      It sounds like Jada is a great friend to you, and I'm sure you are a terrific friend for her too!

  50. The poem I read was about how you should love them a lot and I looked at other articles and you have to brush a dogs teeth!!!!!!! I never knew that, but learn something every day

    1. Would you want to brush a dog's teeth, Alex?
      You didn't mention the websites you went to. Do you remember?

  51. I don't know the name of the article i read but i do know that it was about that if you owen a pet it provides numerous phisical health benifit and other things.Th is article was written by Dr.Ayn Wellford and Katie Gillstrap. I thoygh it was a good article to read so i read it.

    Emma R.R.

    1. Do you mean that having a pet improves the health of the owner? That's cool!

  52. I visited "your Holiday Directory" and if i could scrath Mr. bubbles i could have to have a finger 1/2 inch thick and 3/4 long :)


    1. Oooops - now I remember! I forgot about your original post!

  53. I read about how you have to always train your dog beacause they will not come if they run away and also makes them think that bad behavior is ok and not a bad thing. you also have to teach them the word no or else they wont know that they are not supposed to do what you tell them no about. I got this info off of
    ~Sophie and buddy the dog he is a bishon frise

    1. Yes, training your dog will make him (and you) much happier!

  54. I read about how to be a responsible owner and if you aren't a responsible owner you are kind of a hazard and I guess a..bore? Yeah, a bore! So when you walk your dog keep him/her on a leash or if you live in an apartment clean out your kitty's litter box once in awhile so you won't be stinking up the whole building! So take care of your pets and be responsible!!!
    ( it is mostly about Pitbulls my favorite breed! Don't judge me...)
    -Meaghan L and Storm the Puggle mix

    1. Meaghan, I don't know if I would agree that irresponsible pet owners are boring, but I would say that they are uncouth!
      What's a puggle?

  55. I read about how to be a great pet owner for Dogs. i learned tht i am doing some stuff wrong!! Like for example your not suppoest to wash you r dog often becuse it can be bad for there fur, and when you train your dog yuor suppost to only use good attiued not bad.
    -karly k (geezer a pug, Buddy a multipoo, Mr. swimmy my baita fish, Lemy my bird, princess my chicken, and honey my oter chicken.)
    ( I wont a hedge hog)

    1. TWO chickens? I'm jealous!
      Well, it sounds like you learned a couple of useful things from this assignment!

  56. right before i got my very first cat i had to get a cat book because i was my christmas present and so that means my responcibility to take care of him/her the book i got was called "how to train your cat." and was everything you would need to know when you are a beginner animal care taker.

    -Julia Smith

  57. I have learned that you need to love and cater your pet and always make sure that they are well fed! Your pet always needs a lot of exercise.

    -~-~- MiChAeL LaUgHy

  58. Responsible Pet Owners Month is all about celebrating your pet or pets. Its about celebrating how much you love them and they love you. We’re supposed to pass on the importance of caring for animals to others because we all know that they have hearts too. I found these really sad lyrics to “what hurts the most” by Rascal Flatts (originally written by Jeffrey Steele and Steve Robson) that are “sad thoughts of an animal”

    What hurts the most, is being left behind....
    I have so much to say....
    It hurts to watch you walk away....
    How could you do this to me....
    Never knowing, what could of been....
    I'm all alone now....
    Loving you is all I was trying to do.

    I have a dog named bode and a cat named desmo (pronounced DEZ-mo) I used to have a dog named sawyer but he passed away this summer. I also had a cat named Nala after the lion in the lion king but she also passed away march of two years ago.

    -madi G :)

    1. That's a really sad poem, but unfortunately, people abandon animals all the time. I don't understand how they can do it.
      I'm sure that Bode and Desmo love you just as much as you love them!

  59. by the way i hope this isn't to long! i wrote it on pages so i had no idea how it would turn out!

    -----madi :)

  60. I went on a website called and I learned a sweat little song
    What hurts the most, is being so close....

    What hurts the most, is being left behind....

    I have so much to say....

    It hurts to watch you walk away....

    How could you do this to me....

    Never knowing, what could of been....

    I'm all alone now....

    Loving you is all I was trying to do
    -Jordyn F.
    For pets I have a dog named Maggie, a dog named Sara, a dog named May, and a dog named Britta and I have 2 cats that are siters named Kaile and J.J. ( that stands for Jordyn JR.)

    1. That's very sad. I wish that no animal was ever abandoned!
      Three dogs and two cats -- that's a houseful!

  61. I'm read an article called 'Febuary is Responcible Pet Month'. This article talked about some things we could all do so that our pets stay happy and healthy. One thing that I thought was interesting was keeping your pets tag on his/her collar up to date. I can see why most people wouldn't think about doing that, but if you dont then if your pet gets lost; They will be returned to the wrong adress. I thought this article was a really great article for pet owners to read.
    ~Ellie :) sad to be pet free

    1. Yes, that's a great tip for pet owners!
      Have you ever had pets?


    The link I just posted was the article I read. What I learned is that the Humane Society estamates that in the United States six to eight million cats or dogs end up in shelters every year. I also learned that this is the time to get you pets spayed or neutered.

    ~Brian P.
    I have two dogs. Both of them are puggles, a begal and pugg mix. One female and one male. The males name is Bubba and the females name is Puggles. Over two years they have had 13 puppies.

    1. Oh, someone else said they had a puggle and I didn't know what it was! Thirteen puppies!! Have they all been adopted?
      It's hard to believe that the shelters have to house that many animals, isn't it?

  63. I just read and this article talked about how important it is to bring your pet to the vet because some animals get illnesses very easily and their actions change very easliy

    -Ariel F
    I have a budgeir (parrikeet) named Zach,i have two cats named Mocha and Andie and a little shar-pei part pekinese mix named Ming HE'S SO CUTE, I LOVE THEM ALL!!

    1. I never knew that you had 2 cats. I love your dog it's kinda vicious. Also I love your parakeet it is funny when you let Zach out of his cage LOL

    2. Yes, you need to watch your pet carefully for behavior changes because they can't tell you when they don't feel well!

  64. I just learned about this too i never knew this was celebrated, anyway i went on a website called This website told me a lot about this so called holiday. I learned that the people who own pets have to share the responsibilities that come up when owning a pet. You also have to explain how much you have to care for the pets when you own them.That i think is a very good holiday to come up with and im glad i now know about it because i have a puppy and a kitten at home.
    By cloey claytor

    1. Well, I'm glad you learned something new, and possibly something useful to help you care for your new puppy and kitten!

  65. I read the Worlds Strangest Animals and i found the Jacksons Chameleon and belive it or not it is a pet.The chameleon changes color, but it can only do so when warm, cold, scared, or excited not any time when it wants to. It can focus on two objects at once because they stick out on the side. That also givs it the ability to see 360 degrees. He has feet that face both front ward and backward. This chameleon also has a prehensie tail which helps him grip on to things such as trees. I thought that was very interesting and i never knew that about a chameleon. Josh B

  66. What a strange lizard! I had a chameleon, but I don't think it was that type. He used to blend in with the branches in his terrarium so well that it was hard to find him!

  67. I typed in responsible pet owners on the computer and clicked the first one there. The website was: I read the first paragraph and it talked about to pass on to others the importance of being a responsible pet owner in the month of February. I have no real pets but I have fish. Me and my parents are going to get a cat soon. I don’t name my fish because we get many of the same kind so I get mixed up between them. I have pet sited a lot before and my parents say I’m pretty good at it. If I had to name one of my fish it would be a 5in long sucker fish that looks like the dragon from How to Train Your Dragon. I would name it Giant.

    By :Aidan

    1. I think that the writer of that website hopes that you will be a responsible pet owner every month, not just in February. It sounds like you might be ready for that cat! Let me know when you get it!

  68. I read and it was about someone and their 2 newfies (believe it or not!). I searched up responsible pet owners month and it told me 10 tips on how to take care of any kind of pet, not just newfies! If I ever get ANOTHER pet, than I will use this site for good information.

    I have 3 goats (Rocky, Diego, and Lily)
    1 sheep (Baba because she's black :)
    25 hens and 2 roosters (Uther and Luther)
    1 St. Bernard dog (Honey Bear)


    1. Wow - you have a FARM!! I love goats!
      It looks like the only pet you're missing is a cat. I hope that website told you something you didn't already know about how to care for the animals you have!

  69. I read about how you should chip or ID your pet because even pets get out of CONSOLIDATED places. But a chip as a back up because you can slip out of a pet collar easily. Pets always like to wander and this is the best way to fix it! I have 2 cats and they never ever even leave the porch I they get out! So it wouldn't be effective for my cats, but I would definitely recommend it to new puppy owners or kitten owners! My cats names are Shadow and Mittens! The website is
    Nicole K block e

    1. Every day I see facebook posts about Lost or Found dogs. I think that more people should chip them so that they will be able to find their owners! You found some very good advice!

  70. This month I read an article on this website: I learned that any species of pets are good at hiding sickness, so if they show any signs of illness then you should take them to the vet right away. I have a dog named Otis and a cat named Wllem.

    -Dan Judge

    1. Unfortunately, animals can't tell us when they feel sick so you have to watch them carefully. This was a good article for a dog and cat owner to read! Who did you name your cat after?

  71. i didn't mean to do that thing with the spaces on the top line i don't know why it did that.

    1. It happened because the next words are the website address, and that couldn't be broken up. Consequently, the first line got stretched out from margin to margin.

  72. I read an article on the importance of keeping animals safe and the fact that they have feeling too. It also mentioned on the same website that the word "animal" comes from the Latin word animale. This word usually refers to non-human animal. This was a new fact that I learned as I was reading. My sisters and I own a beta fish named Romeo and he's our first pet. We've had him since this summer. The articles I read were called "Happy Responsible Pet Owners Month!" and "Animal Holidays? Ohhhh yes we have them!" I found it on this website:

    1. Sounds like you found a helpful website, Rebecca! When your fish hides behind something in his tank, do you say "Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo"? (Actually, wherefore means why, not where, but that line always gets used incorrectly!)

  73. i have read online that it is important to spay your animals. and also give them care and food and water!

    ps i have one cat....

    ~abby (: (:

    1. Do you understand why spaying is important? You didn't say which article or website you read.
      What's your cat's name?

  74. I didn't know Pet Owners Month excisted until now.I have learned all about responsibel pet owners month. I learned different ways to take care of your pet and how important it is.You have to feed it when it's time to be fed, always make sure it has water and play with it.There are many other things that you have to do to be a responsible pet owner too.
    ~Cal Antosiewicz

    1. These are all very important things to know! You didn't say if you have any pets. Do you?

  75. I believe that it is wrong to neglect and abuse animals that are just trying to love you and when I see someone hurting these animals for no reason I have to say something. I used to have this dog named Olive and he behaved so good but one day when I came back from my friends house in Maine my mom said she gave him upbecause he went to the bathroom everywhere and that she couldn't do anything about it, but I disagreed with her I said that she could have trained him. So I know what the poor innocent animals feel like and I wish no animals would ever get hurt.
    I watched two video's on this website called and the videos I watched were sad and I wish that no one would give up there animals just for a person that doesn't like that animal.
    I have one dog named Trinity she is a Jerman sheperd slash rottweiler, I have a cat named Rascal, and another cat that died last summer his name was star he died because of his kidneys.
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Amber Hodgkins~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    1. Rascal is a great name for a cat - it sounds mischievous (which most cats are!). I'm proud of you for speaking up about things that aren't right. Animals can't speak up for themselves!

    2. Thankyou Ms.Piazzi
      ---------------------Amber Hodgkins----------------------------

  76. I found the link
    This website talks about how owners and pets should love eachother endlessly. I currently own no pets.

  77. I learned from Responsible pet oweners month that pets are celebrated cause we care. We pass it on to others to keep there pets safe and to keep them responsible like we are. I also found a quote saying "Pets cry and hurt just like we do" .

    -Alie Santin

    1. Passing on the information about how to care for pets is a great idea, Alie! Do you have any pets?

  78. I read on and I realized it is important to socialize your pet. It helps build cofidence. There own species, other species, even humans! I have four dogs, Sammy: Yellow Lab Norwiegian Elkhound. Spooner: Pure Bred Golden Retriever. Izzy: Lhasa Apso Shih Tzu. Mousey: Chihuahua Miny Pincher. Three cats: Charlie, Kit-Kat and Black-Out.(I don't now any of their breeds!) Daisy: Parrot and Twix: Female Long-Hair Hamster.

    ~Sydney L:)

    1. Hey Sydney - I have replied to your post twice and it keeps disappearing! Well, anyway, you have a LOT of animals! They must all be socialized because they have so much company!

  79. I started reading a article called "Be A Responsible Pet Owner" by Cathy McDaniel. She also mentioned how it was "Unchain your dog month". The author seemed to be very against chaining up your pets. so I decided to do some more research on the holiday. I went on to a article completely unbiased. I wasn't exactly sure what the month was. After reading a few more articles, I learned chained dogs are dogs who are chained by there owners 24/7. I hate the whole idea, of this. AS the first article read said "that's not loving your dog, it's letting him live on your property."

    ��Maggie and Bella (My little dog)

    1. I agree with her. Chaining your dog all the time and leaving it alone isn't being a good owner. I'm proud of you for doing some extra research!

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. I just realized I forgot to post the link to the website. It is
    I also forgot to mention my pet. I have a three year old dog named Macey.
    -Cal Antosiewicz

    1. Thanks for the information, Cal!

  82. I read an article at

    about how to take care of your pets and tips and facts about them. One fact I learned was that the ASPCA says that five to seven million animals enter shelters nationwide each year. Plus, I learned that The Company of Animals made a seatbelt for pets. I have a dog named Midnight and a fish named Max. ~Shane

  83. That's a lot of animals in shelters, isn't it?! Do you have a seatbelt for Midnight? It sounds like it might be a good idea. I once witnessed a car crash and the people had a little dog that got thrown around in the car and broke some ribs. It seems like a seatbelt might have prevented that.

  84. I went on

    I learned that many dogs and cats are being breeded. There are many animals without homes. Some have been left behind and forgotten. Others have even been beaten. If you're looking to adopt a pet then get a pet from an animal shelter instead of purchasing them from pet stores and breeders.
    My first pet was a cat named Chloe. She was just a kitten and her first owners before us left her behind without food and water in they're old apartment. They moved without her. But Chloe died a couple of years ago. She had to be put down because of cancer, she was 13.

    -Alysen, I have 2 cats named shadow and Dazee,and 2 fish named tie die and red ruby. PS I really want a hampster but my parents won't let me. :(

    1. Chloe was very lucky that YOU found her! Maybe your parents are worried that your cats will harm a hamster; from the cat's perspective a hamster would be pretty hard to resist!
      If you do get one, would you consider getting one from a shelter? Everyone thinks of dogs and cats, but shelters take in other small animals, too!

  85. Due to my allergies of dogs or anything with fur, my choices are kind of limited. But I still did this assignment and read about how this month is resposible pet owners month and the article I read they talked about the importance of spaying and neutering. It is important to spaying or neutering dogs that are not good for breeding. And it should be done by someone experienced.
    Responsible dog owners look after their dogs so they do not make messes, make too much noise, and run around to neighbors houses to poop and kill their chickens. It might be best just to get a lizard or fish. These are things that won't make me itch.

    1. Lizards are pretty cool! Not as cuddly as puppies, but they won't make you sick, and you can play with them! I think there would be a lot to learn about how to properly care for a lizard too. I had a chameleon when I was your age; it was really interesting.

  86. I read the article "12 Tips for Being a Responsible Pet Owner". I already knew a lot of of these tips like getting exercise, feeding them well, having them as part of the family. One thing I did know that is important is that your pet should be socialized. It helps improve their self-confidence when they meet new people and animals. They can also use up some energy when playing with them. I have a golden retriever/shepherd mix named Gracie, and two cats Luke and Pouncer. I also have several fish - a ciclid, a clown loach, pleko, chinese algae eater, two guppies and a couple others.
    ~Brandon L.

    1. Forgot the website: PetSafe at
      - Brandon L

    2. How do your cats get along with Gracie? I always love to see big dogs and cats playing and sleeping together! A lot of people take their dogs to classes to learn to be socialized with other dogs and people. I think it's a good idea!

  87. I just read an article about how to be a responsible pet owner and the care and time you need to devote towards them. It said that any active animal needs to bond with its owner outdoors to develope respect and a lasting friendship among the two. If an animal doesn't get enough exercise it may get frantic and disobedient so make sure you get your active pet's feet moving or deal with a barky little pain in the butt.
    BAAC-'Are you a Responsible Pet Owner?

    -Mr. Phofolos (Jeannie is my Black Lab pup.)

  88. My post was deleted prior to this so this will be a bit late. Sorry.

  89. Thanks for letting me know, Mr. P.
    Black lab pups have a lot of energy - so I hope that you are taking that advice and helping her get a lot of exercise!

  90. For responsible pet owners mouth I found this song from...
    What hurts the most, is being left behind....
    I have so much to say....
    It hurts to watch you walk away....
    How could you do this to me....
    Never knowing, what could of been....
    I'm all alone now....
    Loving you is all I was trying to do...
    Before walking away... please stop to think about how they feel.
    +*+*+*+*+*+Kendall, Commit ( my bunny ) Sophie ( my bunny ) Shimmer (my fish ) and Otto ( my dog)+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+

  91. I played freerice for about 15 minutes and donated 1000 grains of rice. I started out playing this definition word matching game that was on the screen when i got there but in about 5 minutes I switched to Italian.


  92. I have so mush i have to say when I read a site...

    I think animals should have a home in each family. If you know me i love animals even if they are blind,sick,deaf,hurt I would care for them and help them. So many people in this world are cruel and don't take the responsibilities to have them. That is what i learned just off one site

    Pietra D
